South Padre Island Ocean Bay
January 16, 2021
Hidalgo ISD
January 18, 2021

Chase Field | Beeville, TX
Chase Field Water Supply, Beeville, TX:
Construction of water distribution facilities, including above ground completion of five groundwater wells, 2,100 Linear Foot (L.F.) of wellfield piping, a 500,000-gallon ground storage tank, chemical storage facilities, booster pump station, associated electrical and instrumentation, and 4,200 L.F. of water main piping connecting the booster pump station to the City of Beeville’s distribution system. Triῡn successfully self-performed the construction of a 12 inch PVC C900 (DR 18) water main and service connections from four new water wells to a new booster pump station into the city’s distribution lines. More than 6,500 L.F. of water main construction was completed and included 8,400 square foot of cut-restore asphalt pavement and one 120 feet road bore at an existing airfield.