Beeville Moore WWTP
January 22, 2021
Sheppard AFB Main & Bunker Hill Pool
January 24, 2021

Rose Peak | White Sands Missile Range, NM

Rose Peak Tower Replacement Phase II, White Sands Missile Range, NM:

Replacement of the Rose Peak Tower is a design-build including demolition and removal of structures associated with this project. The shelter’s interior of an electrical circuit to facilitate connections to all existing equipment located in existing communications shelters to include input and output wiring to accommodate a Government Furnished, Government Installed (GFGI) UPS.

The purpose is to include electrical infrastructure, electrical demolition, installing ice bridges, and HVAC systems. Demolish and remove existing 35kW generator. Provide new antenna cabling ice bridge from now existing antenna tower to the bulkhead of the communications shelter. Antenna coaxial cabling, installed, and terminated at the shelter by WSMR IMD.

